Coffee is an experience to me each morning. I love having a space just for our coffee with everything right there to make the perfect cup of joe each day. We are big coffee lovers in this house so having a coffee bar is a must! For the past year we have had a super cute green dresser in this space but it’s always been a bit to wide for our small dining room. Two weeks ago, Curt facetimed me from a Habitat for Humanity and found this darling vintage dresser that was made in the 30’s. We know this because my mom had this exact dresser as a child and it was passed down from her dad; this also made the dresser so much more of a special find!

I was excited to try out the Mr. Coffee hot cup for a few reasons. First of all, my family will be in town for the holidays and my dad especially loves super hot coffee. I have been trying to convince him for years to try out lattes, cappuccinos, or even iced coffee but he loves his coffee black with sugar, my guess is he always will like it that way. Curt and I like to have a variety of options in our house and since we love it all, this was a perfect solution on the days we just wanted a hot cup of coffee. The eco friendly Mr. Coffee hot cup is a pod free, single serve coffee machine that offers a 6, 8, 10, or even 12 ounce cup of coffee. This coffee machine provides an excellent tasting cup of coffee because it uses kettle technology to heat it up at the best possible temperature which provides a full-bodied flavor.

Whether it includes frothed milk, peppermint creamer, or even whipped cream; having a good cup of coffee is the most important part. I hope you enjoyed hearing more about the Mr. Coffee hot cup and you can follow the link here to find out more!
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