Have you seen this new line at Walmart called “Beautiful” by Drew Barrymore? It literally is soooo beautiful! Back in June I purchased my first piece from the line and I’ve been hooked ever since! Appliances and kitchen items aren’t typically that cute but these pieces are quite the exception to the rule! I love that Walmart gives us pretty and functional together in this line so we don’t have to choose between the two!

My newest love is this 8 quart air fryer – you guysssss. I AM HOOKED. I’ve seen air fryers get super popular over the last few years but until a few weeks ago, I had never tried using one myself. When I saw that there was in this line of appliances, my heart skipped a beat and I ordered it! It’s a stunning piece but also so fun to use! Night one we made Brussel sprouts, baked apples, and fried pickles! Safe to say, this is going to be a regular used appliance in this household! I also really love the look of the toaster oven in green that I’m sharing a photo of below, it’s just so stinking cute!

So far, I have the Beautiful coffee maker in the color black, the stock pot that I gave to Curt for Father’s Day (let’s be honest though I use it more than he does) and now this air fryer in the color white! I linked all of my favorites below but can you guess the one I’m most excited about???

This sweet heart shaped pot! It’s on pre-order but I couldn’t resist adding it to my collection! You can shop all of my favorite Walmart appliances here on my LTK! Happy Shopping!!! (warning: you might get addicted to this collection so buy at your own risk)
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