Well this blog post is a little bit late but now that my new website is launched I figured it was also time to share it here on the blog! Back in the fall of 2020 an opportunity opened up for us to move back to South Carolina and we jumped at the chance! When we both moved to Maryland, we knew it wouldn’t be forever as much as we loved it there. During our foster care and adoption journey we had been feeling a nudge over and over again to look into moving back down here and just when we thought the door was closed, it few open and God gave us 100% peace that we were supposed to return to South Carolina.

The trickiest part of this big move were our youngest sons adoptions happening before the end of the year. Finn had been placed with us March of 2018 and we had been waiting and waiting for his adoption day to come. His final hearing in foster care had not even taken place before Curt accepted his position here and we were already under contract on a new home – that’s how sure we were that this is where God wanted us. Our youngest son Jax had already completed his final hearing with foster care but because of Covid, his court hearing had been delayed by months. If you followed my Instagram Stories a few months ago before our move then you know exactly the pressure and anxiety we were feeling to have everything done before the new year.

We listed our home the day before Finn’s TPR hearing which would be our last step in finalizing his adoption. Thankfully the Lord allowed that hearing to go incredibly smooth and we were in the clear for his big day to get scheduled! A very, very long story short we adopted our youngest son, Jaxton Brooks Baker on December 2, 2020 and our middle son, Finn Jameson Baker one week later on December 9, 2020. It was truly the best Christmas gift we could have been given to have all 3 of our sons to be finally our own before our move. Both adoptions happened virtually because of the lockdowns but both were also equally as special because of how many people were able to join us via Skype.

Just one week later on December 16th we packed up all of our belongings, said goodbye to our beloved cottage, and headed for our new life here in South Carolina. I could already write a book about our adventures here but I’ll save that for the next blog post! I can’t wait to show you more of our new house – you guys are going to love it!
Now that my website is relaunched, I plan to get back to writing a lot more and sharing more from my heart here on the blog. I hope you will check back in frequently or even better, sign up for my monthly newsletter so you never miss a post!
Sincerely, Amy
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